Disney themed Homecoming a success

Amy Erickson, Staff Writer

Homecoming week started off with a Disney themed dress down day on Monday when students could wear their favorite Disney themed clothing or red and black. On Tuesday Naz students were able to dress down for a twin day. Thursday was a Monster’s University dress down day, and students were able to wear their favorite college wear. Friday was the WALK and Pep Rally. After the WALK, students were able to buy food and drinks at NazFest. Friday night Naz had a USA themed football game against Marist. Even though Naz lost, the Roadrunners were still in high spirits.

Saturday Night was the homecoming dance. The hallway connecting Springer Hall and The Rooney Center was beautifully decorated by Student Council with string lights to get the Bella Notte feeling. When asked what her favorite part of Homecoming week was, Junior Jamie Glas said, “All of the activities that were planned for lunches and the out of uniform days were super fun! Also, the pep rally was amazing with the videos that were played, the Bubble soccer, and the awesome school spirit. Nazfest was crazy fun with the delicious food and the breathtaking face painters. And who can forget the dance! The DJ was awesome and everything worked together wonderfully.”

Over 700 students attended the dance and with all the activities going on at the dance everyone found his or her spot and had an amazing time.