Freshmen, Nazareth Academy welcomes you!


Freshman year can be the most exciting time of high school, but it can also be the most nerve wracking. Time management, making friends, and maintaining good grades all take more effort than they did in grade school. So now that you’ve survived Freshman Orientation, here is some more advice on how to make your high school experience great.

When asked about further advice for Freshmen, Mrs. Kokontis, Youth Initiative and Freshman Orientation coordinator, stated “Get Involved! The best way to start high school is to go to meetings for lots of clubs and activities; attend sporting events; find out more about service activities and theater and then pick the things that interest you the most and get involved in those things.”

Freshman year is the time to explore different interests. While making sure you don’t overload yourself, join a club that you’ve never done before. This perspective can also be applied to classes. Katie King, Junior, recalls, “there are classes that I thought I would hate, but with an open mind, I grew to like them.” You never know, a new activity or class may become your favorite part Nazareth.

If you are unsure about joining clubs and thought the Freshman Mixer was a blast, you should try student council. The student council organizes the dances and other fun school events throughout the year. If the idea of planning the dance does not appeal to you, you should still attend the dances held at Nazareth. They are a great way to spend time with new people and interact with your classmates in a different setting.

Also be sure to attend the upcoming Homecoming dance and football game; the Freddie’s Fanatics are always looking for fellow roadrunners to join the student section!

However, to attend all the exciting events and activities at Naz, you have to make sure you keep your grades up. Organization plays an important role in succeeding in your classes. Color coding your folders and notebooks helps ensure you have everything you need in class and taking well written notes will help ensure you know what may be on an upcoming test or quiz.

Colleen Cavanaugh, Sophomore, was a busy freshman last year, participating in two varsity sports without a study hall. In regards to time management, she advises, “study a little each day so you’re not left cramming for a test in one night.”  Another helpful study strategy is to make flash cards, allowing you to study in between clubs and sports practice when you don’t have much time.

Even though the stress that comes along with high school can be overwhelming, junior Elena Sofia, a Freshman Orientation student leader, advises freshman “to cherish all the years and memories because they go by really fast.”
It’s important for freshmen to remember that they have four years at Nazareth, and should make every one of them count by remembering to take advantage of every opportunity Naz has to offer. Four years will quickly fly by, and now is time to create your legacy!