Featured Freshman Athlete – Ian Surowiec

Sydney Santiago 

This new recurring column will highlight a freshman athlete who has shown either great sportsmanship, progress, or performance in their sport. The athlete will be chosen by the coach of the sport and interviewed by The Announcer staff. The first student athlete being featured is Boy’s Cross Country runner, Ian Surowiec. 

Boy’s Cross Country coach, Mr. Lindgren, says Surowiec is already showing great success and skill as a runner. Surowiec started his high school running career by attending the Nazareth running camp this summer. His early start to the season surely paid off, as Surowiec has now found himself a place in the Varsity runner’s top seven and the top five runners overall. 

It’s no question that Ian is very committed to the sport. Coach Lindgren says, “he always has questions to ask to understand the sport and become a better runner.” 

Surowiec explained that he has been running cross country since fifth grade due to the popularity of running at his grammar school, Notre Dame. Although he has already achieved success, Surowiec has a goal of running a three mile race in under eighteen minutes by the end of the season. 

However, achieving goals like that takes lots of practice and training. Surowiec shares, “The hardest part about training for cross country is either the workouts or having to be good about stretching.”  

In addition to the physical demands, there are other aspects of training, too. Surowiec goes on to explain, “One of the biggest parts about running is the mental game, and I believe that someone can not achieve a goal if they aren’t mentally prepared for it.” 

For anyone interested in becoming a runner, this accomplished freshman athlete offers this piece of advice: “don’t give up.”