Healthy habits, body image important to Naz students

Monika Miranda, Staff Writer

Health is an essential part of life for everyone, and the students of Nazareth are no exception. But what exactly drives the students to be healthy; appearance or actual health? And how do Nazareth students do this?

Most of the Nazareth student body participates in various sports and activities, but after school, many students also make sure to take care of their health.

Sophomore Danielle Chopp says, “I try to get enough sleep every night, but I also try to eat fruit and vegetables whenever I can. I also try to go to the gym. I think I do this for health and appearance.” Many students like to participate in out of school activities as well. These include club sports, going to the gym, running around town, or even going to the park.

As teenagers, a healthy body image is something that has to be developed over time. Studies say that one out of four girls between the ages of 11 and 17 are put down because of the pressure to have a perfect body. Body image is developed by people taking care of their physical health and appreciating imperfections.

Junior Harika Reddy says, “Maintaining a healthy body image can be tough but when done with the help of eating right and exercising, it is easier to maintain positive [body image].”

Health and appearance have always paralleled each other, but everyone’s opinions differ on which is more important.

Sophomore Angelica Contreras says, “Health is more important to me. If you are comfortable and content with yourself right now then you will be content with your image and won’t feel the need to change anything about yourself.”

Students from all over the country share concerns with health habits and body image, and some argue that pressures from society make this even more of a concern.

Sophomore Vanessa Larez, a student at Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Academy in Texas says, “I think that in society image is more important, causing it to be more important in many people’s life. I stay healthy and body image is always the first reason that I have to keep that up even if it shouldn’t be.”

Overall, health and appearance have a major impact on the lives of teenagers everywhere. Not only is this a fact in the United States, but it also all around the world. It is important to realize that no matter what the reason, physical health can be connected to mental health as well.