Netflix Now: Review of ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’

Netflix Now: Review of Ferris Buellers Day Off

David Zavala, Editor


“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” is a heart-warming comedy with an admirable performance from Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller. His character’s day off portrays skipping school as not such a bad thing to do.


The film, directed by John Hughes, has a great screenplay filled with laughs that I found myself enjoying for most of the movie. While not amazing, the cinematography captures the feeling of not having a care in the world that we see Ferris Bueller and his friends experience.


The story is a very simple tale of Ferris Bueller calling in sick from school -ditching- and deciding to head to downtown Chicago with his friend Cameron (played by Alan Ruck) and his girlfriend Sloane (played by Mia Sara). Overall, it’s a fun and plausible tale, but it is somewhat forgettable and it never held my attention for too long. Although that is the case, I would be lying if I didn’t say it is very entertaining to watch.


This movie’s strength is its acting. Broderick is witty and has charisma. Alongside Broderick, Ruck gave the best performance as his friend Cameron. He had the most heart in his performance, and I came to sympathize with him the most. Bueller’s girlfriend Sloane detracts from the plot, and I felt that her character dragged the others down in the film. It would’ve been much better if the story focused on Bueller and Cameron’s dynamic.


Nevertheless, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” has a lot of heart that is expressed between the bond of three friends who just want to live a little. Bueller’s daring sense of freedom resonated with me.


Despite its flaws in the story, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” is a solid comedy that won’t disappoint viewers who are looking for an entertaining story with two great main characters who keep our eyes glued to the screen.